Our site

Located in Temple towards the Western boundary of the City of London, Harmsworth House sits within a hub of predominantly commercial office, hotel and cultural uses.

Temple has seen significant transformation in recent years, providing an established heritage interspersed with new and old buildings.

Our proposals will reimagine the current building, focusing on refurbishment and retrofit to transform Harmsworth House into a vibrant new hotel in the heart of Temple.

Our approach

We are transforming a poorly performing office building into a vibrant and sustainable City hotel.

Built in the 1930s, Harmsworth House was once a prominent publishing house.

However, over the years, it has seen a series of ad hoc extensions which now detract from its former character.

By reinstating its original facade and enhancing the quality of the existing structure, we will transform the disjointed elements of the building into a cohesive hotel that aligns with the ambitions of the City.

Central to these ambitions and our approach at Harmsworth House is a robust sustainability strategy. Retrofitting the existing building is therefore at the heart of our proposals, with an aim to retain 61% of the original building’s superstructure, celebrating the historical appearance of the old building, while embracing the new and sustainable.

Our Site
Our Site’s surrounding buildings
Proposed building outline