Building sustainably

Reflecting the aspirations and policies of the City of London Corporation, sustainability is the driving force behind our proposals for Harmsworth House. Not only is our retrofitting and reuse strategy central to our plans, we have also developed our own science-based target initiative, Staygreen, to decarbonise our buildings.

This means incorporating sustainable design principles to minimise the environmental impact, reduce carbon, enhance energy efficiency and promote reuse through maximising redevelopment of the existing building.

Our proposals will:

  • Reduce the project’s embodied carbon footprint by 600kgCO2e/m2
  • Retain c.61% of the current building fabric
  • Ensure 20% of all new materials contain recycled content
  • Incorporate on site recycling and waste systems
  • Aim to divert 95-98% of material from landfill to recycling streams
  • Maximise on site renewables, including heat pumps and PV Panels
  • Implement pollution prevention measures
  • Deliver air quality improvements through ventilation and 100% fresh outdoor air in circulation
  • Incorporate an extensive wildflower roof, green landscaping and rain garden planters
  • Deliver an increase in onsite biodiversity and greening